ISA Hong Kong Chapter has scheduled the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) Course and Assessment in Hong Kong at Jan 28-30, 2021.
Trainer: Mr. Don Picker
Date: Jan 28 & 29 (whole day), Jan 30 (am)
Time: 9am - 6pm
Venue: Unit 2, 13/F, Wah Yiu Industrial Centre, 30-32 Au Pui Wan Street, Shatin
Max. Class size: 20 ppl
Early bird, pay date before Dec 1, 23:59.
HK$5,000 for current Chapter Professional Member+ISA member,
HK$5,200 for ISA Member;
HK$6,000 for Non-member
Payment before deadline, Dec 21
HK$5,600 for current Chapter Professional Member+ISA member,
HK$5,800 for ISA Member;
HK$6,600 for Non-member
Bank Transfer
Please make deposit to our bank account via (ATM) / the internet banking, email the bank pay-in slip or a copy of transaction record plus application form to
Our bank account: Hang Seng Bank 789-314119-001 (ISA Hong Kong Chapter Ltd).
Pick up Study Guide and Workbook: (To collect a set of the course study guide at ISA HK office a few weeks prior to the assessment date).
Registration Form: Download here
Registration Deadline: Dec 21, 2020
Refund policy: A full refund if the registration is not accepted or class is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. No refund would be given if the applicant could not attend the class due to personal reasons.
Course Content
The course content includes Levels of Assessment, Target Assessment, Site Assessment, Tree Biology and Mechanics, Tree Inspection and Assessment, Data Analysis and Risk Categorization, Mitigation, and Reporting.
Qualification Period
The TRAQ qualification is valid for five (5) years from the date it is earned. A credential holder is required to take the course and pass the exam every five years in order to renew the credential. No CEUs are needed to maintain this qualification. ISA credential holders will be offered 14.5 CEUs for attending the course.
More information can be viewed at the ISA Headquarters website for TRAQ, including the following:
For enquiry, please contact us at 3757 8078 or
Education Committee
ISA Hong Kong Chapter
