Insurance Survey for Tree Industry
It takes risk in conducting industrial practice of arboriculture. No matter being as employers, employees, or self-employed persons in arboriculture, you should ensure appropriate insurance has been covered in your service to reduce potential risks. There are different types of insurance in the market, and yet there is no standardized practice regarding the purchase of insurance, especially of Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII Cover) in arboricultural service.
In view of which, ISA Hong Kong Chapter wishes to investigate and evaluate the demands, challenges, and willingness among employers, employees, and self-employed persons of our industry regarding the insurance practice of arboricultural service, so as to make certain reflections with our industry and the insurance companies by collecting result from this “Insurance Survey for Tree Industry”.
ISA Hong Kong Chapter hereby calls on your attention to express your opinion in “Insurance Survey for Tree Industry” in order to support our investigation and eventually contribute to the development of the tree industry.
The Insurance Survey for Tree Industry 樹木行業保險意向調查:
Survey Background and Purposes 意向調查目標及背景
1. Investigate any potential challenges that our tree industrial participators face during insurance purchase 調查同業於投保時所遇到的困難
2. Understand what insurance coverage that our tree industrial participators most likely demand 了解現時同業最需要的保險
3. Evaluate the primary intention that our tree industrial participators may have in purchase of a Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII Cover) 評估專業責任保投保意向
*Illustration 概念說明
1. Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII Cover) 專業責任保險: There are real situations that error, omission, professional negligence or other unforeseeable circumstance occurs to disturb the delivery of planned service. PII Cover usually provides financial protection for professional service provider (individual or entity) from civil liability claims. The coverage may include claim for civil liability in the performance of the insured’s professional services, vicarious liability for consultants, contractors, subcontractors and agents, legal representation expenses at formal or official investigations, etc. 工作錯誤、文件遺失、專業疏忽或者其他不能預計的案例均可能影響專業服務的執行。專業責任保險通常會為專業服務提供者(不論個人或企業實體)提供財政保障來分擔民事索償成本。保障範圍可覆蓋提供專業服務時因疏忽引致的民事索償、因為顧問,外判商和代理商的疏忽而引致的轉承責任、受保人的抗辯費用等等。
2.Employees' Compensation Insurance 僱員補償保險(勞保): According to section 40 of the Ordinance, no employer shall employ any employee in any employment unless there is in force a policy of insurance to cover his liabilities under the laws (including the common law) for injuries at work in respect of all his employees, irrespective of the length of employment contract or working hours, full-time or part-time employment. An employer who fails to comply with the Ordinance to secure an insurance cover is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a maximum fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for two years. 根據香港法例第 282 章《僱員補償條例》第 40 條,所有僱主必須投購工傷補償保險,以承擔僱主在法律(包括普通法)之下的責任,否則不得僱用僱員從事任何工作,不論其合約期或工作時數長短、全職或兼職、長工還是臨時工。若僱主不依法例投購工傷補償保險,即屬違例,最高可被判罰款十萬元及監禁兩年。
3. Third-party Liability Insurance 第三者責任保險:
Third-party Liability Insurance in general is to cover the insured or its servants in specific business area causing internal fault or defective facilities to a third of casualties or damage to property in accordance with the law should be held liable.
Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明
1. The survey will collect personal data and views provided by the responders. This statement only applies to the personal information / personal data collected while the views collected may be of further use by ISA Hong Kong Chapter in any circumstance referring to the "Survey Background and Purposes" and in order to help to develop and promote insurance practice among tree care industries.
2. Personal data collected will be kept strictly confidential. No disclosure of personal data will be made unless consented by the personal data owner or restricted by law, regulation, court order, or any government, regulatory or law enforcement authority, etc.
3. Unless otherwise, personal data collected will be kept in 24 months.
4. Restricted to “Cap. 486 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance”, you are entitled to demand access and renew your personal information held by us. To access and renew your personal information, please send your request to:
根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,當時人有權查閱及更正本會持有其個人的資料。如欲查閱或更改有關的個人資料,請發電郵至: admin@isahongkong.org
5. Full details of Personal Information Collection Statement of ISA Hong Kong Chapter please refer to our website:
*The illustration above takes reference from outside sources to present. ISA Hong Kong Chapter shall not be held liable for any loss or damages suffered as a result of any use or reliance on any of the information or views provided or contained in this content. 以上表述之概念說明參考自其他資源。國際樹木學會香港分部將不會因使用及參考相關資料或意見而蒙受之任何損失承擔責任。